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Fitness, Nutrition, and Accountability to achieve the results you’ve always wanted!
Joe lost 10 lbs and reduced his pain from Cerebral Palsy from a 10/10 to 2/10!!!
20 lb weight loss in 6 weeks! Becky is back on the volleyball court playing and feeling better than ever!
Christina lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks! Down 5% body fat and improved her posture. She significantly improved her Hashimoto’s and thyroid function.
5 lb lean muscle gain with posture improvement! Osteoporosis , Neuropathy, and joint pain improvement. Erica can now move without fear of pain for the first time in 20 years!
15 lb weight loss and 10% decrease in body fat. Todd moves and feels better than ever. Pain in his neck, shoulders, and low back went from a 9/10 to 2/10. As a Trauma surgeon its important for Todd to feel his best to help those in need.
15 lb fat loss and 5 lb Muscle gain for Jack! he Can now move pain and compete pain free and feels confident in his body.